19 October 2011
The 2011 International Conference on «Advanced European
Technologies for the enterprises of mining and metallurgy complex of Ukraine»
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It is obvious that the topic of the conference is up-to-date, despite of the fact that, nowadays, metallurgy industry plays a key role in the economy of the state, for the last two decades this industry sector wasn't the cause of the concern of Ukrainian government. It's not a secret that out-dated machinery equipment which surpasses 60%, and energy- consuming technologies, which used by metallurgy complex of Ukraine influence the quality and competitiveness of the end product. The basic objective of the conference is: To introduce the modern technologies and innovative equipment for the main processing in the iron industry - agglomeration, and blast-furnace production. During the conference were illustrated the following topics:
1. Top-pressure recovery turbine (TPRT) for the efficient utilization of the blast-furnace gas. Contributor: Valery Shultz, «Z&J Technologies GmbH» Company. 2. Presentation of a new top charging system of the «No-Bell Top» type. Contributors: Valery Shultz, Franz-Josef Irnih, «Z&J Technologies GmbH» Company. 3. Installation and operation of a new top charging system at voestalpine Stahl Linz Plant. Contributor: Bernhard Lackner, «Voestalpine Stahl Linz» 4. Blower fan for a long-term use in extreme conditions. Contributors: Waldemar Cklems, Peter Herrmann, «Venti Oelde GmbH» Company. 5. Industrial Filters. Gas cleaning systems. ДContributor: Andreas Hempel, «Venti Oelde GmbH»Company. In the conference participated the following enterprises:
О«Dneproenergostal» LTD , UkrSSEC "Energostal", "GIPROKOKS", «UKRGIPROMEZ» GP , Research and Design Institute on Ferrous Metal Ores Dressing and Agglomeration «MEKHANOBRCHERMET» JSC, « EVRAZ DMZ Petrovskogo », «EVRAZ HOLDING» LTD , «Enakievo Metallurgical Plant» OJSC , «Donetsk Metallurgical Plant» OJSC , «Klimatstroy» LTD , Ilyich Steel & Iron Works, «Azovstal Iron & Steel Works» PJSC, «Zaporizhstal» JSC , «Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzershinsky», «Kramatorsk Ferroalloy Plant » OJSC , «Ordzhonikidze Ore Mining And Processing Enterprise», «Ukrprompererabotka». |
Underlining the importance of the conference the founder of «Premium Engineering» Company, Oleg Gryb noted in his opening speech: «Today we are undertaking the responsibility to create an environment for the professional dialogue and discussion in the field of the advanced European technologies, which can be introduced in our enterprises». Have been working for a long time «Premium Engineering» Company efficiently cooperated with all metallurgy complexes of Ukraine. The leaders of the Company are aware of all stumbling blocks of metallurgy industry of Ukraine, which have to be overcome. Among them - significant backwardness from the developed countries according to the rates of technical re-equipment; which requires more costs on energy and material resources on the production unit, than at the enterprises of foreign countries. Speaking about the problems of the iron and steel industry of Ukraine, Oleg Gryb mentioned: «I was raised in a family of metal-makers and in the town of metal-makers, and this is not an empty sound. In our work we view not only a business, but the distinct mission to provide the new technologies for the metallurgy industry of Ukraine, so it can reach the higher competitive level». However, the situation can not be changed only by talks about out-dated machinery equipment and by the urgency of the large-scale modernization – we have to investigate the new innovative solutions. The efficient solutions not only technically, but also economically well-grounded. Recognizing the necessity of the investments into modernization, enterprises of Ukraine are striving for the re-equipment of its funds in a large scale, which creates the clear-sighted perspective. «In the search for such solutions we can and we should contribute cooperatively, - confidently convinced О. Gryb, it was exactly the aim we posed, organizing this conference, and that's why we invited the leading German Companies to deliver a speech. We choose our partners, with a great deliberation. We work with the companies to whom we can trust, who has unconventional ideas and who can suggest ultimate solutions for the tasks which are set by the client». The conference is dedicated to the main processing in metallurgy industry as well as to the blast-furnace agglomeration production. The contributors are the experts from our partner companies:
«Zimmermann & Jansen GmbH» - Сompany with more than 100 years of experience in the iron industry equipment production. Consideration needs to be given to the new achievements of the «Zimmermann & Jansen GmbH Company in the field of the efficient usage of the blast-furnace gas – exactly by the Top-pressure recovery turbine (TPRT), due to the groundbreaking technologies used in a blast furnace practice - invention of the new top charging «No-Bell Top» system. The expert from «Voestalpine Stahl Linz» Plant Bernhard Lackner, will share his experience and his impressions in the field of operation of the new top charging «No-Bell Top» system according to the industrial conditions. |
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However, the urgent issue is also the problem of implementation of the blower fans in extreme conditions. This subject is illustrated in the report of the expert from UkrSSEC "Energostal" Plant. It is well known, that «Venti Oelde GmbH» Company has the most suitable technical solutions for blower fans production and implementation, which are operated in aggressive medium, due to the innovative technologies of aerodynamics and individual approach according to the specific requirements, posed to the equipment. Moreover, apart from the blower fans, the issue of the dust control set and the technology of gas cleaning systems are also to be considered in this report. The fulfillment of the major projects on upgrading of industrial capacities associated with the necessity of the technology and skills development in order to raise attractiveness for the intensive investment and increase the security for the potential investor. It was the main issue for the metallurgy industry especially in the post crisis period, which continued till the present time. As a result, our Company provides the assistance at all stages of project realization on reconstruction – both in technical questions and in the sphere of credit financing attraction. In order to fulfill this strategy, in the present year, Premium Engineering Company and IBcontacts Company agreed on mutual cooperation in the sphere of attraction the financing of the foreign banks under the insurance coverage of export credit agencies. Moreover, «IBсontacts» is the expert in the sphere of foreign financing attraction. More detail information about this important issue you can find in the report of Mr. Andrey Zavalko – expert of the "IBcontacts" Company. |
Premium Engineering LTD in news: Проблемная старина (The Problematic antiquity) |